career on your mind?

it can all be overwhelming

it might feel like you have more questions than answers

how do i know what kind of work will be a good fit for me?
what am i good at? what do i enjoy doing?
what is most important to me in a career and in life?
should i go to college? if so, how do i choose?
what classes or steps should i take now to set myself up for success?
what if i have no idea what i want to do?
what if i already know what i want to do? how do i know if it’s a good fit?
what if i’ve started down a path and now it doesn’t feel right?

you’re not alone, and finding your way may be easier than you realize

a career coach

will help you

discover your strengths, interests & values

play to your strengths, incorporate your interests and align with your values

find careers
where people like you thrive

backed by decades of research, our process is proven, reliable and helps you find career options where people like you are already thriving and happy

find a path
that fits you

explore options, find one that fits,
chart a course through college or whatever training you need, learn to network and open doors

college bound?

did you know that 90% of college freshmen believe they’ll finish a bachelor’s degree in 4 years? in reality, less than 50% do.

on average, it takes over 5 years, and that extra year costs $26,000 to $55,000. most students and their families are not prepared for the extra time and expense.

75% of college students change majors at least once, 61% of graduates would change majors if they could go back, 40% of college students never finish, and graduation rates are falling.

find a career that fits who you are, and confidently chart a course through college that serves you.

not sure if college is for you?

you’re not alone

fewer people are going to college right after high school
enrollment in shorter-term education programs is growing fast
more people are pursuing careers that don’t require a 4-year degree
77% of us now believe we can have successful careers without going to college

there’s a path for everyone
we can help you find it

why get help?

66% of us are not engaged in our jobs, or are just showing up to collect a pay check

job satisfaction in the U.S. is declining, and people are less likely to feel someone at work cares about them

30% of us feel like we have an opportunity to do what we do best almost every day – you can too

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